Friday, May 1, 2009

There are no words

Need some snacks? I cleaned out my pantry because it was getting a little hairy in there. This is just snacks and I now know what a problem I have. A lot of this is Easter,Valentines, and Christmas candy but some is also free or almost free stuff, fillers, and just general junk. I was just going to go through it and make a donate pile and generally organize it. It covered my entire kitchen table and that's not including what you don't see as it is stacked and a bunch of it is hiding underneath. Now if you will excuse me I think I am going to be sick.



  1. Holey Moley!
    I love that there is a bag of some Weight Watchers snack buried in the upper right side of the photo amongst all that candy & chocolate!LOLOL
    Seriously, don't feel bad. You just need more kids around to scarf it all can borrow a couple of mine. Give them a week and your pile will disappear.hehehe
    How about a container to keep all the candy/filler stuff in? And make a point to clean/empty/donate/eat it on a regular basis so it doesn't get that overwhelming. If I didn't keep my stashes organized, mine would look just like your table there. ;-))
